Just What Does the Berlin Boat Club Do?

Members of the Berlin Boat Club want to enlighten the public of the various activities of which the club is involved in addition to hosting the annual Corn roast which attracts thousands of people to this area.

We are a unique, one of a kind organization. To the best of our knowledge, we are the only club in the United States which operates and maintains a lock system, known as the Eureka Locks. Our goal is to keep the road to Berlin open by water and to improve navigation on the Upper Fox River. In addition to maintaining and keeping the Eureka Locks open, we install buoys from Eureka to Berlin for navigation on the Fox River, thereby making it possible for hundreds of boats to visit Berlin every year. This is accomplished without any State or Federal aid or funding! Many Berlin merchants will testify of the benefits derived from this. In addition to operating the Eureka Locks (at a cost of approximately $8,000 per year) and installing navigational aids (at a cost of approximately $1,900 per year), allowing people better and safe boating to our city, following are a number of things we have done directly to Riverside Park in Berlin:

1955 - Club paid for dredging out the first boat slip at shelterhouse #1.

1963 - Club made first cash donation to Riverside Park.

1968 - Club made and installed floating dock near main street bridge.

1971 - Club dredged present boat slip (removed silt).

1972 - Club improved plumbing in shelterhouse ladies' restroom.

1973 - Club improved wiring in shelterhouse #1.

1976 - Club promoted and was responsible, along with the City of Berlin, to raise money to replace the old sea wall which was deteriorated and washing away.

1986 - Club again dredged silt out of boat slip.

1987 - Club added power receptacles to shelterhouse #1.

1989 - Club furnished and installed all the tie down cleats on the sea wall.

1990 - Club installed underground wiring for new campgrounds ($5,000).

1990 - Club donated $2,000 toward new dump station for campgrounds.

1992 - Club donated $10,000 toward addition to shelterhouse #1.

1992 - Club installed underground wiring for boats mooring in slip (approximately $2,000).

1996 - Club donated $17,000 for additional (sea-wall-wharf system) for more boat mooring.

Since 1960, club members have donated hundreds of hours of labor improving Riverside Park. We have also donated: $100 to Berlin Police Department for wet suits; $200 to Jaws of Life, and $500 toward the new radar system. We also support Crime Stoppers, (RAP) Drug Program, and fireman's education program to schools.

In 1976, we completely rebuilt the Eureka Locks with the help and aid of many friends of the club. The Corps of Engineers had estimated the cost would be between $80,000 and $100,000 if contracted out. Our lock gates are electrified-the only ones on the Fox River.

We don't want to be boastful about the projects we have accomplished over the years, but we are proud to have had a part in all of these improvements, which we hope has made Berlin a better city for all.

We say "thank you" to all the fine people who have supported us through these past years. Without your help we would not have been able to accomplish this.

If you would like to know more about our club, or would like to join a hard working, dedicated group, please feel free to call either 361-0353 or 361-1957.